10/03/2021 - Local Multiplayer Works

Itch still don't let me post WebMs, so here's an Imgur link.

Player 2 Has Joined

It's pretty obvious that getting proper 2-player support was going to be next on the docket. You can't have one controller control both players in a fighting game, that's dumb.

Unity is a real pain in the backside with its documentation on how to do this, and I was running into a lot of issues where both players were getting controlled no matter what I changed. Eventually I ran into this video which helped a lot in getting me to figure out how to do this without spawning in the players and fuck up my code. So a shout-out to that dude.

What's Next?

Adding attack animations and stuff. There's quite a lot to do with that, and as such; I'm going to be doing a lot of research playing similar games to help me figure out what kind of system I want for handling that. Mostly focusing on combos and grab moves. It's probably gonna take a while before I'm happy enough to put out a demo for people.


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Hey I will be willing to try this out it looks interesting what other mechanics did you want to implement?

Also Happy Birthday


Not sure, still working on the basics. But I'm juggling multiple projects right now, so it'll be a while.